We love to collaborate

Our team are very proud to collaborate with all sizes of businesses providing photography, videos and design services.

We truly understand the value of collaborating with other agencies, making new friends, discussing new projects and working together.

Open to expore new ideas and tools

We are always looking to improve our skills and find more efficient tools and workflows to bring quality and creativity to our clients. We love to test new software’s, exploring rendering options on Blender or Nodes on Fusion.

Collaboration is better than secrets, check here what we created to make our job more efficient. 


Solid experience and passion to create

After working for almost 20 years on advertising agencies in Brazil and Canada, helping companies in different industries like Agribusiness, food, fashion, construction and more, I started BlackComet Creative Studio, a project that has a mission to create, inspire and collaborate.

Cezar Farias

Head of Creativity

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